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Test Explosion Stack

Goal: Muscle Building with Test Boost

What is the Test Explosion Stack?

The Basics. The Test Explosion Stack, the gold standard of Animal firepower, is for our most hardcore customers looking to get as massive and strong as possible. It will give you the edge to push your limits in the gym by packing on muscle tissue and

As a female athlete can I take the Test Explosion Stack?

Female Friendly. Technically, yes, but keep in mind this is primarily a hormone-boosting stack designed for men. If you have further questions please reach out to our support staff at [email protected] or send a contact request here.

How long can I cycle the Test Explosion Stack?

Cycle Span. You should take Animal Test and Animal Stak together on a 3-week cycle. Once completed, begin taking Animal M-Stak on its own for an additional 3 weeks. If you have further questions please reach out to our support staff at info@animalpak