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How many mg of BCAAs does Animal Nitro contain?

BCAAs. Each pack of Animal Nitro contains 4065 mg of BCAAs. If you have further questions please reach out to our support staff at [email protected] or send a contact request here.

How many pills does 1 pack of Animal Nitro contain?

Pill Count. Animal Nitro contains 9 capsules. You should take all the capsules in one sitting for proper effectiveness. If you have further questions please reach out to our support staff at [email protected] or send a contact request here.

How do I use Animal Nitro?

How to Use. Take 1-2 packs within 15-30 minutes immediately after lifting. Even better, take 2 packs on your training days: the first pre-workout right before lifting, and the second post workout. If you take a pre-workout shake, take Animal Nitro fi

Does Animal Nitro have BCAAs?

BCAAs in Animal Nitro. Absolutely. Each pack contains 4065 mg of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). There is a wealth of information on the benefits of BCAAs, which are a part of a larger spectrum of amino acids called essential amino acids (EAAs).

I'm dieting, can Animal Nitro help?

Multi-functioning. Whether you're dieting, bulking, or maintaining, Animal Nitro can help. For dieters, Animal Nitro can help keep energy levels up as some of the aminos in Animal Nitro have the ability to be oxidized (used for energy). These aminos