What’s the difference between Animal Fury and your new Animal Primal?Updated a year ago
Great question. When it’s comes to pre-workouts, Animal Fury is simplicity defined. There’s something to be said for a simple, streamlined pre-workout formula like Fury. BCAAs, Beta Alanine, Tyrosine, Citrulline and Caffeine. All in solid dosages. Straight and to the point. If you like your pre-workout to be simple but efficacious, Fury does the job. But at Animal, we realize when it comes to pre-workouts, each one of us has a different preference, and it’s important to have options. So if you’re looking for Animal’s most comprehensive pre-workout, enter Animal Primal. Scientifically designed for the advanced hard-trainer, Primal is our most well-rounded pre-workout formula that allows you to crush any training session. Our comprehensive, 20+ ingredient formula is jam-packed with efficacious dosages of key ingredients to give you endurance & performance, focus & intensity, pumps, quick & sustained energy and hydration, all rounded out by absorption and nutrient enhancers. No matter your pre-workout preference, with Animal, we’ve got you covered with our options.
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